Olivia Dodds (MS) is a passionate biomedical illustrator, instructional designer, and interactive developer. She is a graduate of Iowa State University’s Biological/ Pre-Medical Visualization program and University of Illinois at Chicago’s Biomedical Visualization master’s program. Olivia is passionate about communicating complex topics in a simplified, engaging, and visually appealing way. Her skill set is especially attuned to project management, interactive media, and instructional design. Olivia strives to find unique ways to communicate complex educational material in a way that features motion and intractability to surprise audiences and illustrate perspectives they have never seen before.

Olivia was recently employed at Osso VR as a Medical Simulation Designer/ Project Lead in the MedTech department. In this role, she planned how complicated surgical procedures would play out in virtual reality and worked closely with clients to create a final deliverable that met their learning goals. As a project lead, Olivia finds joy in organizing tasks and works regularly with other teams such as Engineering, Art, and Unity Developers. She always deliberately plans and breaks down tasks into manageable targeted goals for each team member when working with others. Her favorite task is problem-solving solutions to bugs to help other team members streamline their work. She was previously an Instructional Designer and Customer Support for BodyViz working in eLearning content creation, project management, and customer support from 2018-2021.

In her free time, she enjoys exploring Chicago, running and biking trails, spending time outdoors, and hanging out with her husband and cat.

*Word cloud made by my graduate school classmates to describe who I am :’)

Let’s Collaborate.


Chicago, IL