Virus Builder : Case Study


Project Overview


The main learning objective for this virtual reality game is to understand the parts of a virus. This is accomplished through the core mechanics of building the virus in the game. The user is able to practice this over and over to build up their supply of virus ammo. Likewise, museum style learning content is posted for the user to view at their leisure within the virtual reality space. The secondary objective is to understand the clinical relevance of a virus when utilized to treat antibiotic resistant bacterial infections. This is accomplished through the second mechanic in the experience, shooting bacteria with their stockpile of virus amo. A shooting mechanic is very desirable to users and the whole game is scaffolded for them to reach this stage and “clear” the bacterial infection.

Audience: Science museum visitor

Software (Olivia’s Role): Unity, Visual Studios C#, VR Interaction Framework


  • Olivia Dodds

    Lead Programmer

  • Natalie Krug

    Asset Creation

  • Ryan Nini

    Asset Creation, Programming

  • Yilin Li

    UI Design, Project Management

Process Work


Two of the core mechanics that needed problem solving were:

  1. Building the virus

  2. Shooting the virus

First, building the virus was accomplished using “snap zones” and collision interactions. A variety of prefabs were created that were each partially built and deliberately had pieces missing to be spawned.

Although the pieces appear missing to the player, there are invisible collision zones that are scripted to “turn on” or set active the correct piece when the correctly tagged object enters into its zone as shown in the screenshot below.


In progress rapid prototype video that was sent to teammates to update the development of learning mechanics: building virus and shooting virus.


Interaction in the final application. The player is able to easily “snap” the correct piece into place.