
Graphic Design Printed Poster


This poster was created to help solve an issue the nurses at Unity Point face on a daily bases - communicating patient fall risk to fellow staff members. Although there was already a poster being used by the staff, it did not contain useful information and the icons used were “confusing” to nurses. This new poster was completely redesigned in collaboration with the nursing staff and will be used in every outpatient room in the med-surgery unit. One special point of the design is a color-blind-friendly color scheme was used since this was not a feature of the old poster.

Audience: Nurses at Unity Point St. Lukes in Sioux City, IA

Software: Adobe Illustrator

Graphic Design Packaging


An exercise in redesigning common packaging to be more impactful and stand out on a shelf.

Audience: Drug store customers

Software: Adobe (Illustrator, Photoshop)

Graphic Design and Data Visualization


This illustration presents the main information and findings from the article “Why Exercise Builds Muscles: Titin Mechanosensing Controls Skeletal Muscle Growth Under Load”. It is intended to be a brief overview with “bite sized” information that researchers can quickly review to see if they would like to read the rest of the article.

Audience: Molecular biologists

Software: Adobe Illustrator, Procreate

Illustration and Graphic Design Printed Handout


This illustration was created as a quick guide on the surgical nuss procedure. We were tasked with distilling all of the information into a single page and breaking it into understandable pieces. I chose to highlight the underlying anatomy and view through the thoracoscope to highlight the important landmarks surgeons need to contextualize. In the final panel, a cross section view of the final pectus bar is depicted next to the results of the procedure.

Audience: Surgical students

Software: Procreate, Adobe Illustrator

Graphic Design and 3D Modeling Printed Poster


This illustration was created as a poster on the topic of lncRNA. It is a fantastical depiction of lncRNA and uses attractive visuals to draw the viewer into the subject. The poster was created to give students an overview of lncRNA and inspire them to want to study it in the future. It is supposed to evoke a desire to learn more and associate lncRNA with important diseases that the viewer might connect to at an emotional level.

Audience: Upper-level undergraduate biology student

Software: 3ds Max, VRay Renderer, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Illustration Journal Cover


This project tasked students with creating a mock journal cover for the American Journal of Bioethics. Actual magazine articles were distributed and students created a cover based on its contents. This cover focused on perfectionism in health care and how aiming for perfectionism is ideal to delivering quality care. The illustration symbolizes “shooting for the moon” in health care to make things better for future generations.

Audience: Bioethicists

Software: Adobe Photoshop

Character Design and Asset Creation


For her master’s research project, Olivia developed a mobile application prototype focused on bystander intervention. She designed a comprehensive style guide and created all the necessary assets for the project.

Audience: Undergraduate college students

Software: Adobe Illustrator

3D Modeling


This assignment tasked students with creating a detailed, high poly model and then optimizing it as a lower poly model. Medical CT data was utilized as reference for sculpting the model and relationships. The base model was sculpted in Zbrush and optimized with Z Remesher. Texturing and rendering took place in 3ds Max and compositing in After Effects.

Audience: Anatomy

Software: Zbrush, Autodesk 3ds Max, Adobe After Effects